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Benefits of Gajar ka halwa you must eat in winter. _Dworld50

Benefits of Gajar ka halwa or carrot pudding in winter Gajar ka halwa has lots of benefits. It is Indian traditional food too. It is famous in winter season it makes winter because gajor or carrot cultivates in wither season. So, let's start eating hot gajar ka halwa in the cold winter. This is not only a special kind of sweet dish made in winter but also its test as well as many benefits of hidden fruits in it. Gajar ka halwa is definitely made in every household in winter. Although more sweet food is not considered good for health, yet people eat it in cold weather with great pleasure.   For those who diet, gajar ka halwa or carrot pudding in winter is a great alternative to healthy wedges. Gajar ka halwa is made with milk dry fruits and many nutritious ingredients that keep the body fit during the winter season and prevent weight gain.     Let's know what the benefits gajar ka halwa or carrot pudding eating in winter season.  Lots of benefits have gaja...

12 most important SEO tips for blog _Dworld50

What is SEO meaning | Most impotent SEO tips

12 most important 'SEO tips' for blogs. This topic is very much helpful for you if you come here to rank your blog. It will take a while to get an organic and decent amount of traffic from the height of Google and other search engines.
The search engines are doing not friendly for NEW websites or blogs. They like more established sites that have a lot of people linking to them, hence proving that they are reputable as well. This is why getting links from other bloggers, directories, and other web sites that have a good reputation in the search engines Google’s eyes is very important. As your blog or website begins to grow by having more pages and more links the search engines will begin to send you more and more traffic as you desire.

importent SEO tips image

This is a good thing!! But, as I already mention that, new is not always new there are 12 most important SEO (search engine optimization) tips to promote your blog and achieving rank. First, you need to find out important tips what are essential for your blog rank then you easily flow those tips together call SEO and achieve your desire rank – so time will be your man when it comes to the search engine ranking.
So, let’s get to some SEO or relation buildup process. These are the most important tips of SEO that every SEO learner should know. If you do this right, you will be much better off than most people who don’t know anything about SEO.
In conclusion, we want to say that if you need to rank your blog you just need to flow 12 most important SEO tips very careful

12 most important 'SEO tips' for your blog are written bellow:

  1. First, you need to know what SEO (search engine optimization) is.
  2. What is Title Tags and how it make better?
  3. What is Anchor Text Anchor text and how to set up your website or blog.
  4. How to improve Keyword Research and which is best for targeting.
  5. Which keyword helps to achieve your desire target?
  6. How to make a back Link building or backline setup to built to relate to other websites and get huge organic traffic.
  7. Use faster HTML and CSS code for your blog or website.
  8. Social network buildup like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and lots more. 
  9. Keep your website or blog always fresh.
  10. Keep your website or blog mobile-friendly (AMP) SEO your blog images. And good looking at it. 
  11. Always update the old post and make them current.
  12. Add an internal link in your old blog post.
In our blog gives you more details about those SEO tips step by step. So stay with us and we help you to achieve your desire target.

1. First, you need to know what SEO (search engine optimization) is.

SEO Search Engine Optimization is a science or art (The question is why you ask?) that focuses on getting your website or blog to the top of the search engine listings. Being at the top five of Goggle’s search results for any research keywords can be a great source of organic traffics and the greatest part about it is that it is completely FREE TRAFFIC!!!

SEO image
I am giving some important information about SEO(Search engine optimization); there are far more thorough books about it like as (SEOBook) but as your blog grows you should try to learn more about it, as it will only help you by knowing more and more. Just like most of the things you will learn about blogging, you don’t need to be an expert at it – just having SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge will provide great results.
SEO meaning some group work for your site. SEO the thing to remember about the search engines (especially Google) is that they are trying to create a perfect system where any searcher can find exactly what they want or find. Google wants to show the most accurate and relevant websites to their audience or searcher. They will never have a perfect system, but they probably won’t stop trying for it. If you remember this, it will be very helpful when you are trying to SEO your blog. Don’t waste your valuable time trying to trick them, they will figure it out and will punish you for it. Always focus on making it very clear to google search engine what your site is all about and always writing extraordinary content for your reader or visitor and the rest will take care of automatically.

SEO Meaning

SEO meaning is a group work that helps to archive search engine ranking. It some working process together that helps to rich your website or blog shows to search engine rank position or prefer to advance position to other webpage or blog position.

SEO meaning is all about Relationship

In my word SEO meaning is all about relationship. When anyone open or publish a website or blog that time Google or other search engines do not know about that site. Is the site is good? Is the site having good content? Is the site having helpful? Is the site having capable to fulfill visitor demand? And lots more question search engine is not known. That is why a new publisher or new site authority need to build relationship other site and always try to full fill visitor demand. Google or other search engines always priority visitors or searchers. Any new web site has no relation with visitor and another site that is why always need to make a relation to others. If a site make relation with a good rank page that helps to build up new site rank.

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“Imagine you have a small brother and you know all about him. When someone (who is very much precious for you) asked you I have some job those are conditions for that jobs. if you have some right candidate then send me. You know the capacity your brother and you know your brother is capable to fulfill the job conditions. At the same time, your brother's friends come and asked can I go with your brother. You know they are also capable of the jobs. In a few hours later when you are going to your job place that time a new face is seen and he find jobs.”
 Now tell me Answer which person you prefer for first?
And which is the second choice and which is last?
 Answer the command box bellow.
 In the conclusion we can say that make a good relation between visitors, webpage, blog, Google search engine, social media, and others then you achieve your desire. That is why I tell you friend increase relation to other your site must be rank.

2. What is Title Tags and how it make better?

This may be the single most important part of on-page SEO. The title tag of your website shows up at the top of your browser window. It is most important for the visitor because it helps to understand about the content hading. It is also one of the most important determining factors that the search engines use to determine what your site is about.
meta tag image

“Islam Personal Finance – Financial help, debt help, etc” You WILL want to make sure that your title tags contain the keywords that you want to top rank for in the search engines. For example, if your site is about health fitness, you will not want to have “welcome to James’s blog” in the title tags. Something better would be “health fitness101 | the best tips for health fitness.”

3. What is Anchor Text Anchor text and how to set up your website or blogging?

Anchor text is a text that people use when linking another web site. For instance, if here created a link for a great search engine you can see that the link will go to Google “Great search engine” is the anchor text. The anchor text is a big deal; because it tells the search engines what other sites refer to your site is about. Anchor text another name is backlink.

Google really places magnificent importance on what words are in the anchor text. Obviously, it is really impossible to make how other people webpage backlink to your site all of the time. But, for those times that you can, you should use your keywords as a backlink when possible. Visit other pages and posts on your website, directory submissions, your signature line in forums and blog carnivals, all may be as good places to make sure you get your keywords in your anchor text.

It is very important to make anchor text or backlink other sites because when any site has your site backlink that site belongs to Google rank then Google search engine promotes that site.

back link image

Backlinks or anchor text is 2 types

1. On follow: 

on follow, backlinks are those link which is permeated by website authority. If you make a site and add some link to your site it will call on a follow backlink. Those are on follow anchor text or backlink here. If any ranking site promotes your link in there a site that time search engine directly promoted that site.

2. Do follow: 

When anyone going to another site and putting down or anchor his or her website link using the command section or other section where that site owner not permeated then its call off follow the link. But when anyone gets more off follow link Google also promotes. Because Google thinks that site does not refer to that site it's ok but he knows that site. That is why off follow backlink is also an important tip for a new site SEO. I provide some offline site link Download from here.
Backlink sites Download

4. How to Keyword Research and which is best for targeting. Which keyword helps to achieve your desire target?

Are you trying to get traffic from search engines? Then it is always a good idea to know what people are searching for. After knowing you start writing.
I often use Google keyword tools and run some keyword ideas because through it to get estimates of how many people are searching for them.
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Remember that that keyword visitor involvement high the competition is also high. To find out the best keyword where visitors high but competition comparatively low. People use a lot of paid Google chrome extension like a Keyword everywhere, MozBar, SimilarWeb extension some of them. People also use some other software for keyword research.

When you select any keyword then you go to Google search and search the keyword which you already selected and see the top 10 websites those belong to those particular keywords. Find out those website's strengths and weaknesses what type of similar keyword that website uses. There Google rank page position, there content powerful or not. Which keywords are weak? Then select that keyword and write proper content about that keyword. Google keyword recherché tools help you also use the MozBar Chrome extension to find out those website strengths and weaknesses. When you see you can capable to bit other website then you need to take that particular topic and keyword. Because you need to stand the top 10 ranks for huge organic traffic and make a lot of money.

Advantage of Keyword Research:

Lost of advantage are keyword researches. Here are shows some of them.
  1. Save your time and money.
  2. It helps to achieve your desire target.
  3. It helps to come out with search engine ranking.
  4. It helps to compete with your competitor.
  5. Its help you to proper path to research to grow your blog and website.
In conclusion, I want to say that without proper keyword research you can not overcome your competitor. And achieve your desire target. So friend fast you need research after that you need to work on that particular topic or keyword.

5. How to make back Link building or backlink setup to built relation to other websites and get huge organic traffic.

We already lightly discussed the importance of links coming into your blogs. Other than the great benefit they play in improving your search rankings, they also send visitors to your site also. It is a great benefit, but often it was overlooked by people focusing on SEO. If you get a link from a site that helps to build up the relation and gets a lot of visitors, you could see a huge traffic spike from it. If you get links from lots of blogs, you could and will see visitors coming from most of them. Maybe not a bunch, but as you get more and more links, you will see more visitors coming to your blog. Use the flowing HTML code to use to get a link or backlink.
<a href="" target="_blank"> most important search engine </a> <a href=" <a href="" target="_blank"> facebook </a> " target="_blank"> great search engine </a>

Those are HTML says core link process. It is an obvious benefit but often overlooked by people focusing on SEO. If you get a link from a blog that gets a lot of visitors, you could see a huge traffic spike from it. If you get links from lots of blogs, you could and will see visitors coming from most of them. Maybe not a bunch, but as you get more and more links, you will see more visitors coming to your blog. The up line about link-building is that you have to create something great that people want to link to. If you can consistently do that, many other things will fall into place.

6. Use faster HTML and CSS code for your blog or website.

Html is most important for a website or blog. Every website and blog use some master language. HTML and CSS are the most common. HTML code is always making the batter. When any code writes simple then it makes simple not it become complex. Html code simple because page speed depends on some criteria HTML is one of them. Google always prefer good coding using HTML. CSS is also coding which helps to short HTML language and makes beautiful page design.


<-- <link href='' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/> --> You need to study and get Google help to use better HTML code and upgrade CSS. 7. Social network buildups like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and lots more. A well SEO needs to social network buildup. Social networks engage people and they observe the page. Search engine looking for people's engagement or people's interest. When any blog or website has people interest at that time that page is good quality content it mentions by the search engine. SEO Helping Social network buildup platform:

7. SEO Helping Social network buildup platform:

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Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, and more. The entire sites are social network sites and help you buildup strong social network buildup. Lots of visitors came, visit, and enjoy those sites. In conclusion, I want to say that social networks help to build your blog and website SEO. Those platforms engage people to your blog or website. by the search engine. 

8. Keep your website or blog always fresh.

Why you make your blog? Helping people, alright. If any visitor came to your blog or website and he or she doesn’t understand your blog then he or she back. Then you can not achieve your desire. Any visitor when you come to any blog then he takes 15 seconds for visiting if he or she interested in this time then he or she spends more time in your blog. If he or she does not understand and not find out his or her answer or interest then he or she back. That is why you need your blog to always keep fresh. The entire visitors are beautiful and fresh. So make sure your website or blog always fresh.

9. Keep your website or blog mobile-friendly (AMP)

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In the improving world today most of the people use mobile and they use internet through there mobile. If your blog and website do not mobile-friendly (AMP) then visitors do not visit your blog and you lost traffic. And it bad for a search engine that is why make sure when you make any blog it must mobile friendly. You can use your blog template AMP formate. 

In conclusion I say that if you need your blog SEO then keep your blog mobile-friendly (AMP)

10. SEO your blog images.

And good looking at it Image shows the fast impartation in your blog or website visitor. It focuses on what you want to tell your visitor. Many people search in Google or another search engine only for an image. And when they like some image then they visit that site and it’s an important part to come lots of visitors to your blog. SO keep always your blog image.
SEO blog image

Now the problem is how do I make SEO in my image? Is it!
No problem when you add any image that time you add the image caption which focuses your keyword. When you add the image attribute it should add all the keyword which are used in your blog. Image must be size small high or low pixel because of a big picture or high regulation image gate more time to lording and your page speed down. 
In conclusion, I want to say that keep SEO always your blog images. And it makes small or low regulation.

11. Always update the old post and make them current. 

Always update the old posts and make them current because people always want to know to abut new or present. People always search for something new. People always want to make him or herself updated. When any search engine knows that your information is updated he interest to promote that link. Another reason is those old links are near about date link when you update your page then they come to new life.

In conclusion, I want to say that if you promote your blog SEO then all the old keep update and make them current. 

12. Add an internal link in your old blog post. 

This is an interesting part of your Blog SEO. It is helping you to increase page view in your blog. And also increase to visitor time duration. It helps visitors to more knowledge about their interests. You add to more value your blog page. When any visitor spends more time in your blog than search engines think that your page has some value and people like it. Then it helps to increase your SEO rank.

internal link SEO photo

In conclusion, we can say that always add an internal link in your old blog post. 

Hello, friend if you think it is helpful for you 12 Most important SEO tips for blog | tips for a new blog SEO then, please comment, like, and always with us. If you need any new topic please comment about that I will give you an answer as soon as possible.

Some site who are helping you to develop backlink those sites are written bellow


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